Saturday, December 26, 2015

RIP Torie Costa #TorieStrong

Hey guys so I want to start by saying that I hope you all had a wonderful holidays with your families I know I sure did. With that said I wanted to make a short post to address the loss of Torie Costa yesterday. I didn't know Torie personally but I followed her story from a far and I was praying that her family could get a miracle and I wasn't surprised to see the news yesterday but I was hoping if she went that she made it through Christmas. I gathered from her families' posts that she hadn't been done but I also gathered she was a fighter and if anyone could beat it that it would be Torie. Unforcently she was unable and my thoughts go out to her family knowing that their lives and Christmas's are forever changed and I hate that for them. It's so unfair that so many people loose their lives to cancer but it in some ways is at least for me harder to take when their so young and have their whole lives ahead of them. There's a saying that God takes the best home to be with him and it is so true. All the posts I've seen since Torie passed she sounds like an incredible women who would have made the world such a better place had she survived. I lost a friend Matt December 22, 2008 to cancer as well that like Torie would have made the world much better all that made Torie's story touch my heart even more than it usually would have. I want to express my condolences for Torie's family, friends and all who knew her including the NASCAR community who has lost a lot of people recently. I'm glad that Torie is not in pain and she fought so hard she was an inspiration to all and she will never be forgotten. God Bless you Torie Rest in Peace you deserve it and you will be missed. Torie showed so much courage and fought so hard to win this battle and I hate that she wasn't able to. However she was an inspiration to all and showed so much courage that I can only imagine changed the lives of those around her she was truly #TorieStrong and she will be deeply missed God Bless and Prayers to her family and that one day we find a cure for all types of cancers and stop this horrible disease. Feel free to join me in the comments sending your condolences to the family. Always remember Torie and her fight and how she was #TorieStrong.

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Hey guys this is Jessica I am having some issues with a friend who commented twice and it never showed up so if you have commented on my blog then I am sorry that so far it has not shown up I am new to blogging and so I am trying to figure this out as I go so I apologize for constantly asking for comments when it is not working quite right. I didn't even realize until this situation. So hang on and I will try to figure this out but thanks for reading it means a lot and I hope you are enjoying the blog I would love to be able to get some comments on what you like and dislike and have conversations but as of right now it seems like something is not quite right. If you want to comment feel free to try I just can not guarantee that your comment will show up.