Sunday, June 28, 2015

A post on one of my Favorite drivers Kyle Busch

So my viewers you get a second update today I can't make a blog post today and not talk about Kyle Busch winning today. However I wanted Larry to have his own post so I made two separate ones. As a fan of Kyle's I didn't doubt he could do it. Kyle has always been one of my favorite drivers and the first driver I ever liked and part of that is for the heart and passion he has always showed. Some of the passion moments haven't always turned out real pretty, but I always stood behind him because as a fan I wanted to see a driver with that fire to win who wasn't content to just finish second and say it was a good points day. I wanted a driver that showed spunk, desire and determination. I wanted to know as a fan I was cheering on a driver who wanted it just as bad as I wanted to see him win and I found that with Kyle. I also could tell that those moments were passion and I had no doubt that he was a different kinder person off the track then the persona we saw on the track. Once Samantha entered the picture she showed us that Kyle mellowed slightly and began to show a softer gentler side. He still had his moments of passion and there still there today but he looks at it all in a different way. Kyle gives it his all and can drive a racecar like no other. Those saves he made to go on and win in Daytona a few years ago were a testament to that. So when he was injured this year in Daytona I was heartbroken that one of my favorite drivers was injured and out of a race car for a while. As a fan I wanted to see him back as quick as possible however I also cared enough about Kyle as a person that I wanted him to be healthy and not hurting and risking himself to further more permanent injury when he came back. I knew he would be back as soon as he possibly could because he would put that passion and heart into getting back in a race car. Sure enough Kyle came back way before people imagined he would and I knew once he was back it was only a matter of time before he won a race. He came out in his first Xfinity back and won which only continued to prove to me he was on his way back. For him to win the way he did today and come from 7'th and charge all the way back up and win it proved he didn't just win at a restrictor plate and slip his way into step 1 of his chase dreams being completed. He drove his butt off to get from 7'th to the front and on a road course where he had to test his legs and brake hard. To hear how he was hurting and yet still giving it his all made me cheer even louder. It showed the heart he had to continue fighting and trying to get the win. For him to beat Kurt on top of everything just made it even more special. I had no idea that was their first ever one, two finish I thought for sure they had done that before. I love the pics of them hugging in Victory Lane and everything Kurt said about Kyle was so sweet. To see Kyle overcome so much was amazing and to see him win made it that much sweeter. To see Samantha in tears after the race and know everything that she went through I was nearly crying watching her. I was so happy that not only Kyle won but that after everything with the struggle to get pregnant, and the crash that they got to celebrate his win together. The only thing missing was baby Brexton that would have made it absolutely perfect. As a fan of Kyle's I will continue to cheer him on and hope he can race his way into the chase I will never doubt him he's made it this far and overcome odds people never expected him to and I think he'll continue to do that, and if he can't overcome his odds and make the chase I know as a fan it sure wasn't from a lack of effort, heart and passion on Kyle's part. I have no doubt that he will be stronger for what he went through and as a fan I will be right there cheering along. I've supported Kyle in everything he does and I'll continue to do so. I love the success that Kyle has built at KBM showing he's not just a great driver but also truck owner and he has a heck of a eye for talent. Erik Jones is my favorite up can coming driver and he reminds me a lot of Kyle he has that passion and heart and that strong dislike for finishing second. I'm sure judging by pictures I've seen off social media and stories Samantha has told that Kyle's just as great of a husband and father as he is a race car driver. Congrats Kyle, Sam, Brexton and the rest of the Busch family I can't wait to watch Kyle continue on his journey to make the chase as your fan I back you and fully believe you can do it. Fans can dislike and boo you all they want but while there doing that I will be enjoying knowing that I've got one of the best drivers out there on the track.

Larry McReynolds Last race in Fox Sports booth

Hey my fellow NASCAR fans It's sad for me as a fan to think that today was the last race for Larry McReynolds in the fox sports booth with Mike Joy and Darrell Waltrip. Every since I have started watching NASCAR my favorite lineup has always been the fox line up between the three in the booth and Chris Myers, Michael and Darrell Waltrip running pre race show. There broadcast was always the ones I loved the most and the ones I hated to say goodbye to when there season ended. I can't point my finger on exactly what made fox better. There was just something special but I want to say it was the chemistry between the announcers it almost made you feel a real part of the NASCAR family (not just a fan watching from home) something that I haven't ever felt with any other NASCAR broadcasting lineup. Seeing the impact Steve Byrnes made as a announcer I feel that Larry McReynolds, Mike Joy and Darrell Waltrip also make that impact. Larry's knowledge was much appreciated and I will truly miss watching him in the broad cast booth. As he said times must change and change is hard but I will always miss this lineup. I have a feeling that fox will still deliver the best coverage for me personally of any station but it definitely won't feel the same. I struggle to explain exactly why fox was the best for me but it just felt the most matter of a fact getting the info to the fans but not being dry and boring. There was never any mean comments made or moments that made me as a viewer cringe they deliver the NASCAR news that I tune into see and help explain what is happening in the race and to the car in a way that the viewers who don't have years of car experience can understand. Overall for me that is why I love Fox and Larry you will be missed greatly next season. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors and Mike Joy and Darrell Waltrip I can't wait to watch you once again bring the coverage I love with Chris Myers, Michael Waltrip and Jeff Gordon.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Chicagoland Xfinity Race and Happy Father's Day

Hey guys so it's once again been a while since I posted I try to do my best. So I'll get to the title of the post in a minute but I was watching the Xfinity race today and NASCAR told the spotters that pit road was open during a soon to be round of caution lap pit stops. However when the drivers got to pit road the light that signals pit road to be open was red signaling pit road was close. 22 drivers listened to NASCAR and came down and a few stayed out obeying the caution light. NASCAR admitted that the word pit road was open hadn't got to the man who controls that light. So they then penalized the drivers that came down before the light switched to green (which from my understanding of the broadcast) happened in the middle of pit stops. Now I don't blame NASCAR they had a tricky situation on their hands it wasn't fair to not penalize the cars that came down because that would have in a way been penalizing the cars that obeyed the light and stayed out. However it wasn't really fair to penalize the cars that did come down because they listened to NASCAR's word so they didn't check or ignored the light. Now I don't know what I would have done in NASCAR's situation and in the end no one got terrible days due to the mistake. In the future though if I was NASCAR to avoid a situation like they had today I would make sure that light is correct before notifying the spotters that pit road is open. What are your thoughts readers Do you agree with the way NASCAR handled the situation or would you have handled it differently? I also have to while I'm talking about the race give major props to Ryan Blaney for coming through the field so quick he had a heck of a car today and put on a great show all in a backup car. If his primary was anything like this backup I hate to think what he would have done starting up front and having a car with practice laps on it. I was also impressed by Ross Kenseth today stepping in and running close to the top ten or in the top ten for most of the race. With a dad like his I'm not surprised but it was impressive although it continues the trend of top young drivers coming in. Ryan Blaney and Erik Jones also finished top 10 in their debuts if I recall correctly. I love Erik Jones and so I have to congratulate him on not only today's win but finally getting a long time coming Truck win. He has shown speed in whatever car/truck he's gotten into this year and you look at the number of different crew chiefs he has worked with this year (Dave Rogers, Adam Stevens, Rudy Fugle, Chris Gayle, Michael Wheeler) It is truly impressive that a 19 year old has handled working with that many crew chiefs and run great with all of them. He's won under 3 different crew chiefs this year and to me that is just impressive. As a fan it was so nice to hear Larry say he thought "Erik is the best talent to come around recently not to discount the others" I think Erik looks good but I'm not deep enough in the sport to know if he's truly the best I know he's good but is he the best I don't know. What do you guys think is he the best if not let me know in the comments who you think is the best and why? With so many talented young guns the future looks bright and we could get quite a conversation going. I'd love to get a response in the comments and see which current young guns (Ross Kenseth, Ryan Blaney, Ryan Reed, Chris Buescher, Kyle Larson, Austin Dillon, Ty Dillon, Erik Jones, Chase Elliott, John Hunter Nemecheck, Cole Custer, Joey Logano, Trevor Bayne, Ben Rhodes, Ryan Truex, Bubba Wallace, Daniel Suarez, Alex Bowman, Cale Conley, James Buescher just to name a few)  you think is the best and why (if you have someone who hasn't yet made a NASCAR start yet feel free to throw them in the mix and if I don't know them I will look them up) . It would be interesting to read and I would consider making a post about the results if I get some in the comment section.

Now moving on from today's Race congratulations to Dale Jr and Amy on your engagement I wish the two of you the best together and a happy future. Congrats to Ty Dillon's wife on becoming a Honey Bee. Obviously Happy Fathers day to all the NASCAR dads those like Kyle Busch, Brad Keselowski celebrating their first father's day as fathers and those like Jeff Gordon and Matt Kenseth who have celebrated many other father's days as fathers and all the rest in between. A special Happy Fathers day to my dad you've always been there from the time I was little, when I was sick taking care of me, to taking me to my first concert, to driving all the way to South Carolina to pick me and my sister up from vacation. Every day you have been the greatest father I could ask for you introduced me to NASCAR which has become a lifelong passion I had no idea when I was a young girl laying on the family room floor watching NASCAR and eating hot pockets how that would change my life. I've loved going the NASCAR fan base and I owe it all to you. You are the best dad I every could have asked for and I love you very much Happy Father's day daddy I love you. Happy Fathers day to each and every dad out there wither it's your first father's day or your 91'st father's day I wish each and every one of you a happy father's day and I hope you had a great day. Thanks once again for reading my blog everyone and remember I would love to hear which young up and comer you think is the best and why in the comment section (just click on the no comment or add comment to comment on my blog) Thanks and have a great week everyone.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

NASCAR Baby boom

First off I want to start this blog post by thanking everyone who reads my blog it makes me feel so good every time that I click and see that I've had another view on my blog. It means more to me than I could ever say so thanks to all my readers from the bottom of my heart. Now onto my topic for this post. Well in light of Landon Cassill, Kyle Busch and Brad Keselowski all becoming fathers I first off want to congratulate all of them and their wives or girlfriends on the babies births. I find it interesting how each have gone about how much or how little they have shown about their children. You have Kyle and Samantha who have posted a ton of pictures and got Brexton his own twitter account and have been very public with his birth. Which I fully expected after Sam sharing their story through her blog. You then have Landon and Katie who have revealed that they had a son Beckham and his name and some details about his birth but no pictures that I've seen yet. On the very end of the spectrum is Brad and Paige who have only reveled that they had a daughter which was public knowledge before the child was born and nothing really else about her. I can understand trying to protect your babies privacy because when there 16 they may not want all these pictures of their life visible for the world to see. I also understand that with Brad being one of the more disliked drivers currently in the sport and not being married to the mother of his child wanting to protect his daughter from the hate. However Kyle is also been heavily disliked and he is willingly sharing news about his son. Kyle Larson and Denny Hamlin weren't married to the mothers of their children and yet they have shown their children to the public eye. I feel like yes the child didn't choose to grow up in the public eye that was given to them by default of who their parents are. At the same time as a fan of Kyle's if he wasn't sharing any news of his baby I would be disappointed because I like Kyle and support his family. So I feel that Brad's fans have to be a little disappointed that they know nothing about his child. I also feel like there not going to be able to keep their daughter hidden from the spotlight forever unless they never leave the house with her. If she's at the racetrack sooner or later I would imagine someone a fan, a media person is going to get a picture of her. I just don't see how they can fully keep her private with the lifestyle they live. I look at some of the drivers who already have families and they vary in how much details and pictures they release about their children. Kevin and Delena Harvick seem to have no issues showing plenty of pictures and videos of Keelan he's always out there. Jamie and Christy McMurray keep their children a lot more sheltered and they don't release pictures of their children. However they have released their names which gives Jamie's fan something and occasionally there's a pic of his children from the media more so his son than his daughter. I've even seen it with Jimmie and Chandra Johnson there are a lot more pictures out their of Evie than their are of Lydia. I just feel like with Brad and Paige it almost doesn't feel real they had a baby. Paige was pregnant their pictures to prove it, but without a name or picture it almost doesn't feel as though they actually have a child. I'm not bashing Brad and Paige for their decision I respect their decision to protect their daughter. It just seems a little unrealistic that a person in Brad's position will be able to keep his daughter totally out of the spotlight. I've loved getting to hear about another child born into the NASCAR community and I think it will be interesting to see how many wind up being future racers. Good luck to all the first time parents mentioned in this post and good luck Kyle as you attempt to make the chase. What is your opinion on Brad and Paige's decision and the difference in the drivers and how much of how little they show their children? I'd love to hear your take on this I hate to keep bringing it up but I see that you guys are reading my blog yet I never get any comments which makes me wonder if it's because you don't know how to comment or why no one ever comments. Either way thank you for reading my blog I'm grateful to at least have readers.