Monday, August 8, 2016

RIP Bryan Clauson

This is not the post I ever wanted to have to write. It's always sad when a person dies and when they die young. It's been said that only the best die young and that seems true in this case. When I heard the news of Bryan Clauson's wreck and that he was in critical care I knew it didn't seem good but I was praying for a miracle that he would make it. However I just had a bad feeling about his condition. Unforcently waking up and hearing that he had passed at the young age of 27 was heartbreaking. He was only 3 years older then me and he had his whole life ahead of him. Any time a racer dies you see the motorsports world come together. I am so proud to be a part of that world especially when you see the way the sport comes together. For me any time that driver had connections to NASCAR It makes it harder for me I don't have a lot of memories of Bryan racing but it's sounds like from all who knew him he was a great guy. Watching all the tributes pour in from all the forms of racing shows what a great guy and racer he was. I feel horrible for his fiancĂ© Lauren and all of his family. Any time there is a death in racing it reminds you what these athletes risk each time they strap in a car. NASCAR has made a lot of safety improvements that have kept their drivers safe. However anytime a driver dies NASCAR feels the pain but especially in a situation like this or Jason Leffler when the driver who died had raced in NASCAR. I feel horrible for Bryan's family and his fiancĂ© to have their whole lives changed in an instance I am just glad they got to spend his final moments with him. My heart is broken for his family, friends and all who knew him. I want to send Prayers out to the other drivers involved in the accident with Bryan I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through. RIP Bryan you will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved you it doesn't seem fair that you were taken so soon. You know join the ranks of drivers who have passed on like Dale Earnhardt, Adam Petty, Blaise Alexander, Ricky Hendrick, Jason Leffler and countless others. Your time on earth was way to short but it sounds like in your time here you achieved a lot in your short time here. God Bless you and all who knew you.

Erik Jones Cup ride and other cup tidbits

Wow first off I just want to say how impressed I am that people continue to read my last post. It's been incredible to watch it grow each day. With that said I have a couple posts for you today. First off congrats to Erik Jones on gaining his cup ride for next year. He is a talented driver and I think he will do pretty good next year for Furniture Row racing. As a fan of him I am so thankful that he gets this chance at a cup ride. I am excited to have all four of my favorite drivers in the cup series next year.
On another note Dale JR being out of the car this long is crazy. Best wishes to him as he continues to recover. It was so nice of Jeff Gordon to come out of retirement to help the team. Watching him and Tony Stewart get to have moments like they had at Indy was so special. I loved watching them do a lap around just themselves and what Jeff said in the drivers meeting to Tony was really sweet. I liked that Alex Bowman got a shot to show what he can do and he was running great all day before he cut a tire in Dale's car. It's crazy this happened to Dale and I can't imagine what his fans must be thinking. I wish him the best of luck in the recovery. I hope to see him back soon.

This chase grid is starting to look crazy with Chris Buescher sort of in limbo on if he will make the top 30 or not and with some of those who looked like locks a couple weeks ago starting to slip.
Thanks again for all the views on my last post it means so much.