Sunday, February 22, 2015

Joey Logano Daytona 500 Champion

Hey guys I'm back again for a second day in a row. Hope you all enjoyed the Daytona 500 I know I did. It wasn't the same without Kyle Busch but it was still awesome. It was awesome to see all the #BowforKyle on lap 18 such a sweet tribute. When they were three wide through most of the field at the end that was incredible racing. I loved seeing Joey Logano win the Daytona 500. I have been a fan of Joey's since his first win in the then Nationwide series at Kentucky. I got a chance to meet him and he was such a sweet guy honestly felt like we'd known each other before very casual and chill. I've seen him go through some ups and downs and I loved when he was at JGR and it was just my three favorites Joey, Kyle and Denny. However I'll be the first to admit that move to Penske was a career changer for him in so many ways. It's so cool to see how far he has come till now. Congrats to Joey Logano I wish you and Brittany nothing but the best this season. On a side note thank you all so much for reading my blog it means the world to me. Congrats Joey on becoming the Daytona 500 Champion you deserve it.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Kyle Busch and NASCAR saftey

So originally I was going to write a post to catch up on NASCAR news after Daytona but after today I could wait any longer. As a Kyle Busch fan this is hard for me to write. Watching his hit today was sickening and I had a feeling before the race had even finished that he had broken his leg and would not be racing in the Daytona 500 tomorrow. I hated hearing the news that I was right as a KB fan it was my worst nightmare. Finding out he not only has a broken left foot which is bad enough, but also a compound fracture of his right leg is devastating. I remember two years ago when Tony Stewart broke his leg in a compound fracture and seeing how much he has gone through it's hard to know that Kyle isn't going to be racing for a while. Obviously I care about Kyle's health first and foremost and want him to focus on getting better, but it's hard knowing that I won't be able to cheer him on in NASCAR for a while. I've been a Kyle Busch fan since I started watching NASCAR. My thoughts go out to his wife Samantha tonight knowing that she is pregnant and now dealing with this on top of being pregnant. Kyle I hope you heal well and get better soon your fans will be anxiously awaiting your return and we wish you all the best.

NASCAR has done a amazing job with safety and I know without a Hans device that it's likely Kyle wouldn't be here and I'd be writing a post in memory of him. So I thank NASCAR for all they have done but as a fan it's hard to know that there are still tracks out there with areas drivers could hit that don't have safer barriers. There's obviously no guarantee that a safer barrier would have kept Kyle from breaking his leg however it's likely that it would have. I thank Daytona for realizing that they need to cover their whole track in safer barriers. There is no reason not to have a safer barrier and I'm glad Daytona is going to fix their track. However it saddens me to know that Kyle had to break his leg and his foot for Daytona to change something. That California waited until Denny Hamlin broke his back to fix the wall he hit. The drivers have said it, there is no wall that is safe that a driver won't hit. NASCAR owes it to the drivers to make racing as safe as they can by providing safer barriers on all the walls. I hope the other tracks take notice of what Daytona is doing and don't wait for a driver to hit a wall at their track and be injured or worse killed before they do something. Watkins Glen is a track that comes to my mind there have been so many horrific accidents out their the past few years. I fear it is only a matter of time before a driver is severely injured at Watkins Glen I understand that as a road course it is a big track to fix but something must be done. I know as a fan and I'm sure most fans would agree with me we don't want to see our favorite drivers severely injured and missing races to wake tracks up and cause them to apply safer barriers. I understand that safer barriers cost money but their is to me no price on a drivers safety and I would hope tracks agree with me. Yes all drivers and those in the sport fans included know their is risk for severe injury or death, but when there are proven safety measures that haven't yet been used it's on the tracks. Thank you NASCAR for all you have done with safety and continue to do. Daytona thank you for not just fixing the wall Kyle hit but all the walls at your track. I hope the other tracks take notice and begin to fix their tracks before a driver gets hurt there.

Congrats to Ryan Reed on your first career win today. You are an inspiration for continuing to live your dream despite your diagnosis. It was awesome to see your excitement and how much you've overcome knowing 4 years ago you were diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and told you would never race again. You not only raced you are now a winner in NASCAR. Congrats on your win and I wish you all the best your a great role model not only for those with Type 1 but also those without. Your a true example of why a person should never give up on their dreams and keep fighting.

I hope all my fellow race fans enjoy the race tomorrow Good Luck to my remaining favorites Denny Hamlin and Joey Logano. I wish you both all the best but in light of today more than that I pray for a safe race for involved. I would never wish injury on a driver even if I don't like them have a safe race tomorrow. Kyle I wish you all the best in your recovery you will be missed while your away and I eagerly await your return whenever that may be.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

In loving Memory

Well fellow fans the season is fast approaching and there are so many changes this season with rules and the news that it is Jeff Gordon's final season. He's been in it for as long as I've been watching and its surreal to think that he finishing up his career. On the same note I'm excited for Chase Elliott I've really grown to like that racer and he deserves it so much. I just found out Brad Keselowski and his girlfriend Paige are expecting a little girl this year so congrats to them. I can't wait for the season because I've missed my racing but it also brings a bit of sadness for me hence my blog post title.

A Week and 1 day ago I lost a treasured person near and dear to my heart. She was my best friends mother and like a second mother to me. She was the sweetest person in the whole world and anyone who knew and loved her could see that. She was a die hard Jimmie Johnson fan and we always teased each other about whose driver was going to beat the other. She was also the person that I talked anything NASCAR with and since her death I've picked up my phone to text her about NASCAR news about four times. I miss her dearly all the time but one of the things I'm going to miss most is talking anything NASCAR with her. With her gone it leaves a gap that I can't fill and that's what makes me really start to miss her is imagining not having anyone to talk NASCAR with the way I did with her. She and her husband are like my second parents their daughters like my younger sisters. They all hold a very dear spot in my heart and are truly more family then friends. Their family took me to my first ever NASCAR race at Michigan. Those memories are ones I hold close to my heart with her gone. It's still surreal to think that she's gone and I'm sure as the season starts there is going to be even more things I wish I could talk to her about. I know she read my blog and loved the posts that I mentioned her or her family. So I dedicate this blog entry in her memory. To her family I hope you enjoy my tribute to her. She was the greatest women and there is no one else in the world that I could have picked to be a better second mom. I love you all very much. Mom 2 you were a amazing person and NASCAR buddy and I will miss you so much Rest In Peace.

Thank you to anyone who reads my blog even though you may not comment just to see that I have people reading my blog brings me great joy. Thank you and feel free to comment enjoy this season and I'll talk to you all soon.