Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Darlington Throwback weekend

First off I am so sorry that once again it has been so long since I posted. I was writing a blog for my sister while she was gone with summer and it zapped most of my energy for blogging. With the playoffs coming up I will try to update throughout that better. I wanted to post about the throwback weekend. Every since they started it I have loved that tradition. Growing up I watched NASCAR with my dad as I have said before but I don't remember the drivers who raced during that time or who won races. By the time I started watching in 2007 it was pretty much the group of drivers racing now or who just retired. Even drivers like Dale Earnhardt and Rusty Wallace I don't remember. So for me the throwback race is cool to see the past pain schemes and hear some of the stories behind them. Growing up in school history was always my favorite subject and this allows me to look back at the history of NASCAR. I love how not only the paint schemes are historic but the members of NASCAR get in throwback outfits. It brings a spark that we don't always have to NASCAR weekends. I thought it was really awesome that Richard Petty got to lead some pace laps. I found it hilarious that he then refused to get off the track and Rick Allen and them talking about how they weren't going to tell him to get off. I have to wonder how long he would have continued had NASCAR not given him the black flag. I also love when Ken Squire and the Jarretts take over a portion of the coverage. As a Erik Jones fan I found it hilarious that he kept calling Erik that Jones boy. It was so funny to hear. However it is also fun because they bring in a different view to the race and call it in a different way being from different times of NASCAR. I always look forward to the race and the coverage. One of my favorite schemes this week was William Byron's xfinity for the story that it brought. I was watching NASCAR with my dad when Ricky died but I do not remember him. However since his death I found Emily and little Ricki's story and as I have posted on here before( https://nascarjgrfan.blogspot.com/2014/10/a-tribute-to-ten.html ) I came to know the story of the plane crash. Ricky was always the one that I connected because he was one of the youngest. I have continued to follow Emily and see the posts she has of Ricki. For William to honor Ricky was cool I had not realized until then just how much William does look like Ricky so that is sort of eerie and has to bring back the memories for Emily and all the Hendricks. William was so polite saying he hoped he did Ricky justice this past weekend which I am sure he did.  I also want to say that I think it is cool to see how many drivers are running the gold and teal wheels for Martin and Sherry to raise awareness. Great job by all those drivers. I hope I have not lost all my viewers of my blog but if I have I understand if you are still here feel free to leave a comment on what you think or if there is something I have done in the past you wish I would do more of or a topic I have not wrote about yet. Good luck to all the drivers this weekend and prayers to all of you who are in the path of Irma or recovering from the devastation of Harvey.