Friday, July 10, 2015

Happy Birthday Adam Petty

Hello readers today is Adam Petty's 35'th birthday and even though he sadly was taken from this world far to soon at the tender age of 19. He has left a legacy full of help and love though Victory Junction gang camp. Adam changed the lives of many kids through that camp giving them a chance to have fun despite the other challenges there going through. Adam was destined to be a good race car driver but he was a even better person. When you look at all the good that Adam did after his death you almost hate to think all the great things he could have done had he survived. However in addition to the camp Adam's death has saved many drivers lives by forcing HANS devices to be mandated among other safety requirements like the kill switch. So while it is incredibly painful to think about the life lost in Adam Petty through his death he saved the lives of many drivers Austin Dillon, Kyle Busch, Denny Hamlin, Joey Logano, Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson, Kyle Larson, Michael McDowell, Erik Jones, Martin Truex Jr just to name a few. All have taken very hard licks or had very frightening crashes involving barrel rolls which many years ago may have killed them. I never got to watch Adam race but I have seen stories done on him since his death and he was a good looking guy with an amazing smile and personality and that he was wise beyond his years. While it hurts to have lost Dale Sr, Kenny Irwin, Tony Roper and Adam Petty those 4 drivers changed the sport of NASCAR and together have saved the lives of countless drivers through the years since their deaths. There deaths prevented the deaths of many drivers that otherwise would have been joining them in Heaven and that is truly something that will help their legacy live on forever. Happy Birthday Adam you were an amazing person both during your life and in the years since your passing. While writing this post I looked up the meaning and definition of legacy and I came across an amazing blog post about legacy and it feels as though the person who wrote this was describing Adam Petty they wrote it so eloquently I couldn't write it better if I tried if you want to see what I'm talking about click the link below. They say your legacy is what you will be remembered for long after your gone  Adam definitely left a legacy that guarantees that he will never be forgotten I was 7 years old when Adam Petty was killed that was about 6 or 7 years before I started watching NASCAR however I know who Adam Petty is, the great person he was, the legacy he left, the safety requirements he helped with in NASCAR and Victory Junction Camp which is at the core of Adam's Legacy. To read more about the camp follow the link below While Adam was taken far to soon from this world and once again lived up to only the good die young song by Billy Joel. He changed more lives in his short 19 years and in the 15 years since his death than some people who live for 65 years. He was an amazing person who will never be forgotten in the NASCAR community and so I wanted to wish Adam a very happy 35'th Birthday in Heaven. Thank you to all my readers I hope you enjoy the race tomorrow in Kentucky I pray for a safe race for all the drivers and thanks again for reading.
Happy 35'th Birthday Adam Petty you were taken to far young and while you are gone you are NEVER FORGOTTEN God Bless you

Monday, July 6, 2015

Austin Dillon and the NASCAR family

Hey my fellow race fans and readers Watching that race last night I was horrified when I saw Austin go up into the catch fence. It was a terrible impact and I was so terrified if Austin was okay or not. I truly agreed with Jimmie Johnson when I first saw the wreck I thought Austin Dillon was dead. I was thinking it was the second driver to be killed in the three car at Daytona. To see all the different crews running to his aid shows what NASCAR is all about and the way Dale and the other drivers reacted shows you what a family sport it is. They may not all be best friends but there a community and they care about each other. I was so relieved when the crews signaled that Austin was okay and then to see him crawl out from that car. He definitely had the good lord watching over him last night. Seeing his brother's tweets on twitter and how scared he was for his brother was heartbreaking for me as well. Having a little sister I can relate to the Dillon boys my sister and I are best friends. Ty and Austin's bond is the reason I'm a fan of there's. I have to thank NASCAR for all of the safety updates they have made over the years. Watching Austin walk away from that crash practically unscathed was a miracle. Seeing him get hit by Brad Keselowski just added to the scariness of the wreck. I'm so thankful that I didn't have to be mourning the loss of Austin this morning.

Last night watching the crews of all different teams including the race winning team not thinking of anything except making sure Austin was okay. Checking in on him not knowing what they would find. Austin made mention of the garage and NASCAR community as family as did Dale Jr. I'm so proud to be a member of the NASCAR community you don't see this kind of support and care between football teams in the NFL or basketball teams in the NBA or baseball teams in the MLA. NASCAR is truly one of a kind and I'm so proud to support this amazing sport that I love so much. Seeing the way the drivers worried about the fans and Austin. It was an amazing gesture made by all. Seeing the feature about wives worries about restrictor plate racing it shows how there all going through the same things and they support each other. As a fan I don't like certain drivers but I certainty wouldn't wish serious injury or death on them. It was said that the NASCAR community included it's fans and I definitely feel that you can tell the drivers care about their fans based on how they act. Joey Logano going in the stands last night was a perfect example of that. The community is one reason I love NASCAR and I will be a life long fan what the community stands for it has changed me I feel a part of something so much bigger than myself and it feels amazing.

After the wreck I'm so thankful for Austin and the fans safety and I hope he starts feeling better soon. I'm also thankful to be a part of the NASCAR community just like you my loyal readers. Thanks for reading and have a good week.

Just a quick update there is suppose to be a story on NASCAR racehub tonight (July 7, 2015) with Austin Dillon his dad Mike Dillon and Grandfather Richard Childress there suppose to speak as father, son and grandfather in this emotional piece. I can't wait to watch it although I can only imagine the emotion after hearing Mike and Richard call for Austin on the radio hearing the panic in their voices was so scary reminds you what the families of these drivers go through. So I encourage you all to watch that story and thanks for reading.