Sunday, September 14, 2014

Are NASCAR driver's athletes

In today's blog we look at one of the age old arguments between NASCAR fans and those outside of the sport. That argument is are NASCAR driver's really athletes. Most of the people that think NASCAR drivers aren't athletes argue that they just sit in a car and turn left how hard is that. However what those people don't realize is that it is more complex then that. Imagine sitting in your personal car driving for four hours only going left with the heat on high and the windows up and 42 other drivers around you. ESPN sports science did a really nice piece on this topic showing just how difficult it is for these drivers. It examines, their heart rate, the heat inside the car among other things. I saw this clip a few years ago and every time I watch it I gain a new respect for these drivers. So here are a couple of questions to think about before and as your watching the video. Do you believe that NASCAR drivers are athletes? Did this video change your mindset you had before you watched the video and if so why? Some one mentioned to me they couldn't post a comment I viewed my own blog and if you click where it currently says no comments you then should be able to comment. For all my NASCAR fans enjoy the race today.


Hey guys this is Jessica I am having some issues with a friend who commented twice and it never showed up so if you have commented on my blog then I am sorry that so far it has not shown up I am new to blogging and so I am trying to figure this out as I go so I apologize for constantly asking for comments when it is not working quite right. I didn't even realize until this situation. So hang on and I will try to figure this out but thanks for reading it means a lot and I hope you are enjoying the blog I would love to be able to get some comments on what you like and dislike and have conversations but as of right now it seems like something is not quite right. If you want to comment feel free to try I just can not guarantee that your comment will show up.