Monday, February 17, 2020

Thank God

Life has gotten much busier since when I started this blog and i don't post a lot but tonight i just had to. Tonight was one of the hardest nights for me as a NASCAR fan I feared back when Austin Dillon had his wreck at Daytona I had seen a driver die but Austin got out of the car under his own power. Tonight was much more frightning to see leaving the broadcast the way they did I truly feared the worst. More and more i am starting to believe in the power of prayer and I have never prayed for a driver more than I did tonight. Watching that wreck was incredibly frighting and Ryan defenitly had a guardian angel watching over him tonight. Dale SR has saved so many drivers since his death with the saftey advancements nascar has made and continues to make and Ryan is another in that long list. I love nascar and agree with statements made tonight we take for granted the saftey of those cars and all feel invincible and nights like tonight remind us were not. I am greatful to be a part of the community I had a chance to meet Ryan a few years back and i am greatful he is still alive. He has a long road ahead of him and i continue to pray for him and his family as well as the doctors as they continue to treat him. NASCAR is one big family and i felt horrible for Ryan Blaney and Corey Lajoie to be involved in such a serious wreck and then have fans blaming them on twitter. They didn't deserve that nor did Denny Hamlin's team for getting chewed out for celebrating when they didn't know the severity. Ryan deserved all the prayers and GOD is Good the power of prayer is strong and was proven tonight. I continue to pray for Ryan and his family as well as the entire nascar community. I know that NASCAR will continue to learn and look to find out what can be done to make it even safer but tonight I am greatful. #Prayers4Ryan #Newmanstrong