Monday, July 24, 2017

All that has happened since i last posted

So first off sorry for it being over a month later my sister has been gone and I have been doing a blog about her cat for her so that has taken more time then I thought it would. So this blog is going to skip to many different topics instead of me making a bunch of short posts I put it all in 1 post for you to read.

So first off I have to say amazing job recently by William Byron he took the truck series by storm and the beginning of the xfinity season I was like okay he is going to have a bit tougher time like I thought he would. However since Michigan he has been remarkable nearly beating Denny and then continuing on to get his first two wins back to back and then hold off Paul Menard for the indy win. He is a raw talent and to think he has not been driving that long a lot of people think Kyle Larson is the next Jimmie Johnson but I have to say I think it is William Byron he has been dominate in every level he has been in so far. Coming from Kyle's truck team I am excited to see what the future holds for him.

I know there are a lot of people who are pissed at coach gibbs for letting Matt go in favor of Erik but I honestly think they have Carl to blame for that. I have said since the beginning that I believe that Erik was meant for the 19 since this was supposed to be Carl's last year. Erik was in 77 then would move to the 19 and if the 77 could continue Daniel would get that ride until Matt was ready to hang it up. It ended up being a bad situation and I don't blame Gibbs for wanting Erik especially if he brings sponsorship like it has been said by Kyle he does. If he could get rid of the bad luck at the end of races and the mistakes he and the team have made he would have a lot more top tens and even top fives. So he is clearly a future star of NASCAR. I feel bad for Matt and I understand the reason for the 4 team cap but it does stink that veterans like him if Kasey Kahne looses his ride Kasey are getting kicked out of their rides for the young guns. However the young guns are proving they are ready and there are more of them then there are seats.

Speaking of young guns I am thrilled for Alex Bowman that he got the 88 ride. He more then proved himself last year that he was capable of winning in a cup car if given good equipment. I am excited to see what he is able to accomplish next year. Rick has kept saying that Alex was really the only choice and I have to agree he was the one I wanted to see. Now I am partial to the young guns but he not only proved himself but took a chance in staying with Hendrick as a sim driver and they rewarded his loyalty. I am excited to see how he and Chase work together because I think having another young gun will be good for Chase as well.

Now that brings me to my last part. I belong to some lascar facebook groups for my four favorite drivers. The negativity I have seen on those groups is pretty upsetting. It seems these days even the fans of NASCAR want to complain about every little thing (I know not everyone does but those who do post about it so I see those posts). From people in my group complaining because people like more than 1 driver, to the delay of the caution flag yesterday until they crossed the line despite the fact they were almost out of light and it was probably kasey's win either way, to the rule changes and packages they are trying. I have seen multiple people say they are going to give NASCAR up because of that sort of thing. I am sorry maybe it is just me but I do not understand how you can just walk away from the sport.

Yes I like more than 1 driver I have 4 favorites who are my first choices to hope they win. Yes it can get complex if they fight with each other or like at Indy Kyle was going for a record but I know Joey and Denny want a Indy win to their name so who do I cheer on there. Overall despite issues like that I would rather have that because the way I see it if you like 1 driver and they are out early like Chase at Indy then what do you have to watch for. With me I have 3 other drivers if 1 of mine is having a bad season 3 others who may be having better seasons that I can celebrate. After my 4 drivers I am a fan of most of the young guns because they are close to my age and I relate and so I am willing to cheer for them if none of my 4 can win. It keeps me from being totally upset by the outcome of the race. So I can respect that other people only want to be a fan of 1 driver but I thought it was a much better choice to have multiple drivers.

Onto the complaints I feel like no matter what NASCAR does there will always be fans who are pissed. Do I agree with every change NASCAR makes no I think they are making a huge mistake in limiting the cup drivers in the other series. If the full time drivers in those series were complaining then that would be reason to change it but they want to beat the best of the best. It was probably way more gratifying for William Byron to hold off Paul Menard then to hold of Elliott Sadler or someone else who is a xfinity regular and I am sure the lessons Denny taught him at Michigan have helped him win some of these others races. William has proved that the xfinity drivers can beat the cup drivers. I really don't like the overtime line or the later 3 PM start for the east cost races. Despite not agreeing still watch those races because it does the sport I love no good to boycott it because it just hurts everyone in the sport. I really think far to many people are complaining about rules, packages and stuff like that. Face it there are thousands of fans NASCAR can never please everyone but you just roll with it learn the new rules and move on. I think that it is stupid to say your never watching NASCAR again because you don't agree with the changes. I don't think there is anything NASCAR could choose to do that would keep me from watching.

Congrats to Kasey on his brickyard win I saw so many complaining saying they waited to throw the checkered. What they don't get is it didn't matter KASEY was the winner wither they threw the yellow right when the wreck happened and then couldn't get the oil and car cleaned up and couldn't start the race again or they hesitated maybe longer then they usually would have waited for them to cross the overtime line since they were right there and then threw the yellow. Being in Ohio I knew how dark it really was outside and I think had TV shown how dark it really was for a brief moment people might have got it. I hated that Kasey was forced to go through all the photos and interviews while cramping because they were loosing lights. I didn't feel he should have been forced to do all that without first getting medical attention but I know NASCAR was in a tough position after the rain and because of the later start to begin with.

Thanks for waiting out for this blog post I encourage all my readers if you don't agree with a change to let NASCAR know but don't boycott it just because you don't agree that helps no one. I encourage all of you to spread positivity not all this negativity I have seen recently. Thanks for reading and enjoy the race this weekend.